Perspective Plan

Institutional Strategic/Perspective Plan for 2023-24


Institutional Strategic/Perspective Plan:

The institute have identified the following perspective plan in accordance to its vision and mission:

  • To enhance teaching learning process by adopting the use of effective teaching learning pedagogy to improve the quality of education.
  • To enhance teaching skills through initiatives such as Faculty Development Program, Refresher Course etc.
  • To apply for grants from both the government and non-government bodies.
  • To promote participation of students in co-curricular activities and built their personality.
  • Committees and cells.

Perspective plan deployed:

  • Choice Based Credit System as per the New Education Policy and new syllabus as provided by the parent university, Manipur University has been adopted and lesson plans are prepared.
  • The University publishes detailed academic calendar and course plans before the start of semesters
  • Mentoring system has been introduced where each students are mentored by a faculty.



  • The institute organized a seminar on ICT, where faculties from the college and other colleges participated in improving their knowledge on the use of ICT in the classroom.
  • The institute have granted the faculties to join various refresher course, faculty development programs etc.

The students of the institute represented the college in the MU Inter College meet in which many participants from the college were able to bagged medals in many fields.